Sunday, September 8, 2013


Today, I awoke at 5 AM with a wicked headache and could NOT go back to sleep. I don't do well waking up before dawn. After an hour of religiously counting sheep and the yarns they'd make, I got up. See, I had plans for this afternoon with one of my very favorite girls and I was bound and determined to get the headache GONE and go have fun. Yeah, it didn't happen. I had to cancel the plans I'd looked forward to all week. So finally the Advil kicked in and I was back to dreamland. And let me tell you, it was one HELL of a ride. I'm going to use fake names to describe to you my dreams, just so it protects their privacy. I'm going to list them in no particular order and as best as I can remember them. Remember, these are dreams and MY dreams, never EVER make a lick of sense! Also, these are the PG rated version as I have a mother who reads most everything I post as well as people who blush at subjects such as sex!

I'm going to start out with the dream that re-occurs, 9 times out of 10, every week. More than once a week closer to the time to leave for convention. In these dreams I am ALWAYS too late. It's either already over, or I get there 2 days before everyone leaves. I also seem to have a problem finding my clothes at convention. I'm either naked, or half-dressed. Sometimes people notice, most the time, they don't. I'm always self-conscience about it, even though I don't understand why I don't just get dressed! This particular dream was a sort-of replay of July in D.C. There was a Mr. J (for jerk), with me and some other girlfriends and guy friends in the pool area. All of a sudden, we were playing "Baby, I love you, but I just can't smile." Mr. J was cheating and using dirty tactics, and I was already furious with him. But as always, just like in real life, I lost. Then it got touch and go and thankfully he was gone. Then apparently we moved the convention from D.C. to Miami and I got all excited because it was near the MTV offices. I don't even know if there ARE MTV offices in Miami. (I'm sure there are, just not like NY?)

Then we drive from Miami, we being a Mr. CG (for cute guy) and Mr. L (life-long friend), to somewhere else in FL, drop off a very agile Mr. L, who's not very agile, and begin a journey to Canada. Instead, we make a pit stop in Texas. All I know is that it was my fault because I was the co-pilot, and you don't go through Texas to get to Canada! I got some nice cuddles in, though. I'm always happy about that, lost or not! :)

This is where it gets tricky. I'm now on my own. But still trying to get to convention. I somehow find my way into an interactive museum about big cats and the people that work with them or own them. And it truly was interactive because the tigers and leopards and cross breeds were there, in real life, walking with you. They were lovely and cuddly but I kept thinking about that show "Fatal Attractions"! Then at the end, they were supposed to take you back to the beginning and then you could go back to the real world. 'Cept, they forgot about me. Figures. So, I was in this maze of holographic people, real big cats, and all my friends had already gone and left for the hotel. It felt like The Hangover, with little people. Sober. Mike Tyson would have made it better, but he is not in my thoughts on a regular basis, ever. Finally, the owners get me out of there and where do I end up? Back at home. Again. NOT at convention. Ugh. I try my hand at packing again thinking I can get back to D.C. in a day and go into my closet and find that it isn't my closet. BEAUTIFUL clothes. Did I get to wear any? No f***in' clue. Next thing I know, I'm in some stranger's home!

This had to be on an island somewhere. Because, as I perceived it, I was being "hosted". Like when I was a YAV in the UK. They were introducing me to this fruit that had to be prepared *just so* or you essentially got electrocuted from the spines. And I thought I nailed it. But I got a definite shock. So, I left the dirty work to them. While they prepared this fruit (it had a name in the dream, started with a M, but I can't think of it now) there was a song on the radio in the background about that particular fruit sung by Flo Rida. Ha. I could see the beach and nothing but beach from the glass paneled house that I'd never seen before and with people I'd never met before. This is getting so strange. Then I explore my surroundings, my room, their rooms, and all of a sudden no matter what I touch, I get butter fingers. I drop EVERYTHING, knock down EVERYTHING, make a mess of EVERYTHING. Nobody seems to notice. I go into my hostess's bedroom (mind you, I do have manners normally, just apparently not in my dreams) and find Lil Bub and like 6 other cats. Lil Bub is a cat that I'm totally in love with. She's truly a dwarf cat and is very popular. Naturally,I was thrilled! Yeah....she seemed to break every time I touched her. And then the other cats would break, too. This  was TOTALLY normal to her owners which scared the shit outta me. Cats should NOT break, special needs or not! 

This is where it gets really bizarre, if it's not so already. I end up in another person's home. But I'm not really there. It's truly me reading a book and watching it play out. I'm somewhere in Louisiana at night running into tigers and goats that are friends and find that there's been a crime committed. Never find out what, but the only thing I was worried about the whole time was the cats getting out for the tigers to eat. The sheriff was a big man, the cop was a lesbian who kept pictures of the sheriff's wife in her bedroom and a secret stash in his bathroom. She also owns an opossum that has porcupine quills and extends them at random times. I happened to be the random time, and while I'm not supposed to be there, I am apparently. The last thing I remember is the sheriff making eggs on toast, British-style. 

Holy macanoli! This was all in just a 3 hour nap! And I still know there are parts that are blurry and I missed. But I thought this was hilarious and think I should make it a habit of blogging the most interesting and vivid dreams so I can have them to look back on one day and also to share with you! It'll be interesting to know what you think of all of this. Like I said, makes NO sense to me except that I know I dream about people I've talked to recently, the convention dream has been there for years, and some of the nuances I get. Otherwise, this is some CRAZY subconscious I have!

Signing off with love,

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